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Posting jobs, feed integration via JSON or XML


FashionUnited’s feed service provides a full suite of real-time, highly available Jobboard transactions. This service opens the door to FashionUnited’s infrastructure and enables you to execute a wide variety of jobboard transactions empowering you to control your content at FashionUnited.

To keep things simple, we also accept existing feeds you might have created for other jobboards, like:

  • LinkedIn
  • Indeed
  • Trovit
  • Jobrapido
  • Or others

Therefore, as long as you make sure all the jobs you want posted on the FashionUnited platform are in your JSON or XML feed, we make sure they are shown on the FashionUnited platform.

As of now we provide jobboard services for the following countries:

Example XML feed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- unique id for the job in the external (your) system -->
title of the job
can only contain the name of the position
not the city, area or company
<title>Design Assistant</title>
list of job categories
supported categories are 'Design & Creative',
'Internships', 'Other', 'Product & Supply Chain',
'Retail Management & In-store', 'Sales & Marketing'
<category><![CDATA[Design & Creative]]></category>
<!-- teaser text displayed in the job list, plaintext only, no HTML allowed -->
<qualifications>Very teasing teaser</qualifications>
description of the job, HTML is allowed
(when using templates, leave it empty)
javascript is not allowed
<![CDATA[We are looking for a <em>motivated</em> employee, who...</description>]]>
<!-- salary currency in ISO 4217 -->
<!-- number of available positions -->
<!-- city of job location -->
<!-- country of job location -->
<!-- local address of company -->
<address>Vijzelstraat 1234</address>
<!-- list of platforms where the job is to be published -->
true if the job receives applications via FashionUnited universal application form
false otherwise (external Applicant Tracking System)
show the job title between the company description and the job description
should be false when using a template
<!-- the name of the company -->
<name>Example Fashion</name>
description about company
can be html as well
<![CDATA[Example Fashion is a <strong>great</strong> place to work...]]>
the URL of the company logo, supports: SVG, PNG, JPEG
SVG is recommended, since it's vector based and scalable
social media sharing image (og:image) URL, supports: PNG, JPEG
PNG is recommended, since OpenGraph does not support SVG
minimum size 200 x 200 pixels
<!-- name of contact person from company -->
<contact>John Smith</contact>
<!-- company contact person's phone number -->
<phone>012 345 6789</phone>
company contact person's email
this email address is used to send applications
<!-- ... -->

Posting jobs - options

Full HTML Job Layout

To emphasize branding for job openings on the FashionUnited jobboard, there is an option to use custom HTML styling. A few rules apply to this:

  • If you want to use images, please send them separately to FashionUnited so we can upload them to our servers. Hotlinking of images is allowed, but we prefer local images as we can then guarantee optimum performance for your job postings.
  • All CSS must use classes. We cannot accept generic CSS like p {font-size:12px;} but must have: .brand-name p {font-size:12px;}
  • Hotlinking of styles is not allowed.
  • Scripts are not allowed at all. You can however use the responsive image & responsive embed classes as provided in the Twitter Bootstrap 3 framework.

Example for CSS usage

<link href="/global-assets/brands/brandname/css/brandname.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="brandname">
<h2>We are looking for someone who</h2>
<li>Develops long term plans</li>


  • If a non-standard font is used, a licenced version has to be supplied. If that cannot be submitted, we always use a font as similar to it as possible via Google Fonts.
  • We have limited maximum number of different fonts to 2 in one page.


  • Logo’s are best supplied in SVG format. You can check this link.
  • Header images are minimum size of 970px wide, any height | BIGGER IS ALWAYS BETTER | If header images are carousel, we have limited maximum number of 4 images.


  • We can embed videos from Youtube or Vimeo – all we need is a link and of course for the embedding option to be turned on for the specific video.
  • We can of course link to any social media account possible. For the most common ones, we have logos ready for use, but if you need a link to a slightly lesser known medium, please supply a vector oriented logo for that as well.

Example Embed Media (for video)

<!-- For Vimeo -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 ">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe>
<!-- For Youtube -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9" style="margin-top: 10px">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe>